MountainPass Site Redesigned


Welcome to our new home — we’re very excited to have the new site up. This will let us share news, blog about interesting topics, and generally be in touch.

The idea that it was time for a redesign came from a conversation I had a few months ago from a client who early on the process said something to the effect of “Given the state of your website, you are either so bad that your site doesn’t look like it’s being maintained, or so good that you haven’t had time to maintain it.” At a certain point you get tired of apologizing and want to build something good.

I was determined to NOT have the webmaster’s children go barefoot (so to speak) and so we built this site as we do all of our project, only this time playing the role of both client and provider. I sat down and set up some basic wireframes for what I pictured on the site, and brought in our fantastic graphic designer who really brought it to life (I believe Zach said something like “The wireframes look OK but I can’t wait to see what Brian does with them). We then built it out in WordPress, which for all that anyone complains about it is still in my opinion far and away the best platform for these kinds of things.

Then it’s been a weeks-long process of polishing, with careful attention to detail, whether subtle spacing issues or font selection, to make sure it matches the artistic vision.

Finally a few blog posts, some news, and we’re up. We hope you like it! Comments / suggestions welcome…

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